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How much action was in the match?

Though I can probably count the number of professional wrestling or WWE matches I’ve seen on one hand, I would have to say this match had a ton of action. From Shawn Michaels’ flips off the ropes, to Kurt Angle’s multiple suplexes and ankle locks, this match took action to the next level. Though it decreased towards the end as both wrestlers became tired, I still believe this has to be the best match I have ever seen. Therefore, action in this match made this event more fun to watch for me.

What moves were used during the match?

This question is probably the one I am the least knowledgeable about. Kurt Angle’s suplexes and flip off the top rope truly amazed me. On the other hand, Shawn Michaels’ headlock, multiple flips, and various submission grips were very impressive. Also, as I stated earlier about my lack of knowledge on wrestling moves, I was very amazed at the talent it takes to complete these moves. Though some say this entertainment is “fake”, those moves and the ability to perfect them don’t lie. Moreover, without them, the WWE or professional wrestling wouldn’t be near as fun to watch.

How realistic was the match?

At the beginning of this match, I was very surprised at how realistic the match was. Honestly, there were multiple times I found myself cringing and saying ouch as you could see the pain inflicted between Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle. However, as the match progressed, I believe it became more and more unrealistic. The long two-counts, flailing out of submission holds, and jumping up after crawling around in pain are what ultimately made me believe it was unrealistic. Though it was enjoyable, I believe it would be much more entertaining if some of these factors were more realistic.

How unpredictable was the match?

It is honestly hard for me to determine how unpredictable this match was. Since I don’t know each man’s preferred moves or strong point in wrestling, I didn’t know what to expect, so I guess this match was pretty unpredictable to me from that standpoint. However, there were spurts when I could have predicted what one of the wrestlers was going to do. Therefore, I believe this match was reasonably unpredictable for people like me who don’t usually watch WWE matches.

Does the match tell a story?

Like the previous question regarding what moves were used, I am once again not quite qualified to answer this question. Since I don’t know the background about Kurt Angle or Shawn Michaels, what led up to this match at Wrestlemania 21, or who was the favorite to win the match, I can’t truly answer this question. However, I do believe this match told a story about each man’s will to win since this match lasted 35 minutes.

What was the match’s overall reaction from the crowd?

I believe the crowd at Wrestlemania 21 truly enjoyed this match. First, the crowd went crazy when each wrestler entered the arena, and they even yelled “You Suck!” when Kurt Angle entered. Second, as the match progressed and each wrestler gave it their all, the crowd gave constant feedback through multiple chants and sighs of shock and disappointment when one would avoid a tap out or three-count. Lastly, the arena erupted with roars when Kurt Angle finally got Shawn Michaels to tap out through a long angle lock. Furthermore, without the crowd and their reactions, the wrestlers and viewers wouldn’t get the same effect entertainment wise.

Growing up, I never really got into professional wrestling or the WWE, so when we picked the WWE as the topic for our final project, I knew it was going to be interesting. I wouldn’t say I dislike the WWE or professional wrestling, but it isn’t my first choice or preference for entertainment. For example, I grew up more interested in baseball and racing dirt-bikes since these were my favorite hobbies. Also, my dad as a kid never quite got into professional wrestling, so I believe this also had an impact on my opinions towards professional wrestling and the WWE. Therefore, I truly didn’t know what to expect before I watched the match our group chose between Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle.

• How much action was in the match? 4.5 

• What moves were used during the match? 4

• How realistic was the match? 3

• How unpredictable was the match? 3

• Does the match tell a story? 3

• What was the match’s overall reaction from the crowd? 5

Final Average: 3.75 out of 5


Tristen is a 18-year-old freshman from Pleasant View, Tenn. He's majoring in biology at WKU and plans on a job in general dentistry or orthodontics. 

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