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The 5-Star Rating Scale (Adapted from Dave Meltzer)


• How much action was in the match?

  • A match with high intensity and constant action will score high, while a match consisting of mostly rest holds and dead space will score low.

• What moves were used during the match?

  • A match with a variety of moves and a higher degree of difficulty will score high, while a match consisting of repetitive and “safe” moves will score low.

• How realistic was the match?

  • A match with action that is not too cliché and that seems like watching a real fight will score high, while a match that has a lot of unnecessary or unrealistic spots will score low.

• How unpredictable was the match?

  • A match where the viewer is guessing what’s coming next will score high, while a match that is very easy to predict will score low.

• Does the match tell a story?

  • A match where the wrestlers can build off each other, develop an in-match storyline based on the effectiveness of the moves, show pain, injury, battle back-and-forth, and show emotion, will score high, while a match that lacks any or all of those will score low.

• What was the match’s overall reaction from the crowd?

  • A match where the crowd is cheering and engaging with the in-ring action in a meaningful way will score high, while a match with a crowd that is quiet and sitting on their hands will score low.

• We rate matches from 1-5 in all of the categories to the left.

• Then, we average the scores in each of the individual categories.

• After that average is reached, that's the overall rating for the match.



• A five star (*****) match indicates a timeless classic, one of the best matches in wrestling history.

• A four star (****) match indicates a great match. Usually this will be the best match of the show (for a good show, anyway).

• A three star (***) match indicates that a match was good, but not particularly noteworthy.

• A two star (**) match indicates an average match.

• A one star (*) match indicates a somewhat boring match, perhaps with a few good spots.​​


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